We sat in the house all day today because Typhoon Sepat hit us this morning. This morning it was still calm although this thing had been approaching for about four days. It was crawling along. It hit on the weekend which sucks. It means no time off work and you have to stay in on your free day. But at least we are safe in our house. Pray for those in less sheltered areas as they are getting slammed. This is a Super Typhoon which means it will do alot of damage.
I have uploaded two pictures. One is the sattelite view of the typhoon. You can't see Taiwan in the picture because it is covered by the typhoon.
The second picture is what I might look like if I were a Simpsons' character. Leanne says I got the hair and nose right but that I am not that fat. I tend to disagree. What do you think? Did I capture myself?
I am the proud uncle of a beautiful boy named Milo Davin Pierce Hildebrand. You can see him and the rest of the family above. I got to see him on the Skype the other day and he actually opened his eyes for me. What a handsome young man! I think I will have treat him extra because he is a fellow second oldest brother in the family. We gots to stick together!
It's been a busy summer but it is drawing to a close. I will finish up my summer session at the junior high next week and then will start up the new school year a week later. Pray for a good relationship with the new classes.
I start another of my Masters courses in two weeks. I am so ready to finish my masters. I still have 5 courses to go but at least I am on the downward side now.
Leanne has a couple of her pictures in a show next weekend. Pray they sell. She will also display some of her books for sale as well.
God bless