Friday, December 30, 2005

Pictures: I keep forgetting!!!

Here He Is

Finally I have been able to see my nephew Tate. Here are two incredibly cute shots of him. We are having a blast although it is alot easier for me as I am just the uncle and when he starts crying I can just let Mommy handle it. Never the less, I love him. I didn't know how he would react to me or how I would react to him but no doubts now. I am in love. When he sees me and smiles I melt.
Kenny and Jo are doing good. It is so fun to watch Kenny with Tate. He is a great Daddy and Jo is a great Mommy. Tate is so blessed to have them.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Forgot the picture: Here It Is!!!!!!

Congrats to Brad

I just received a special message from my good friend Brad. Brad, a self-proclaimed monk and bachelor for life, is getting married. Leanne and I are so pumped. Brad has come to visit me twice in Taiwan and has been very supportive of me in my choice to live here. I love him. I don't know Helanna yet but look forward to meeting her. Here you see a picture of Brad and myself playing Chinese chess. I bought it for Brad a few years ago and he adores it.
Brad, if you see this, we love you and wish you God's greatest joy and blessings in the times ahead.
From a former monk and bachelor and a Lesser Brother of Zion.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Merry Christmas

This shot is a little old but is a good picture of our church. In it are people from Canada, The USA, Finland, Australia, England, South Africa and Taiwan. I think at Christmas I remember most that Jesus didn't just come for me but for all the people of the world. This picture reminds me of this.
I pray you all have a blessed Christmas and New Year.
Kenny and Jo and Tate are coming. Yeah!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The Darkness

I took this picture while playing with camera. We were at a conference for missionaries, some of whom we are partnered with. It was a great weekend although I had to sing and because I had a cold it ended up the cold has lingered all week. I am just starting to get past it now. I just loved this picture. I don't know why. What do you think?
It was great to see so many missionaries and hear their ministry stories. I know some and realize their lives are very much like mine but they possess a certain drive which pushes them beyond their own security onto deeper things. I have been so affected by some of them. I will share some of their stories with you all in the future.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


I have a couple of friends. One you see here with Leanne and I. His name is Mike. He used to live in Taiwan and is back on a fact finding trip for his role as OMF short term coordinator. He is a unique individual. Given any practical problem Mike can find a way to solve it. He grew up on a farm. He is a lot like my Dad that way. Both are great practical problem solvers. The other picture is of another friend. He is able to speak knowledgably about almost any topic. He is an awesome piano player and in the picture he is writing the music for our Christmas Choir. Both of these men are geniuses in my eyes but in very different ways.
By the way, I finished my latest course and got 98 in it. I feel pretty good but am humbled by looking at these guys. I guess God blesses us all in different ways.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Update on School

I have not updated this thing for a while. Sorry to all who read it.
I have been caught up in my class recently and any time I am on the computer I am usually in class. I am now finished the class work accept for a bit of discussion time. Through 3 weeks I have 57.4/59 points in the class. I am feeling more confident now with my ability to do this knid of work. I had been worried about this course as the first one was considered by the school to be easing me into the environment of online classes. I felt this one's marking would be alot harder. I guess it shows me that I may have some ability in research and study. PTL.
The picture is one of Leanne's handmade cards. This one sold I think 6 copies.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

The Wedding

Here is our friend Igor from South Africa with Leanne. He usually doesn't dress like that but it was a special occassion. It was the wedding banquet for a couple from our church and our cell group. It was fun to see everyone all dressed up but Igor definitely stole the show. I think of another wedding banquet we will go to. At the end of time the banquet of Christ and his bride (Us- The body). I guess no one will be stealing the show from God on that day. We will be fixated on Him and His Bride perfected through His blood. I can't wait to see Him. I bet the food will be great too.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

In The Looking Glass

I really think this is the cutest picture I have ever seen. I can't wait to meet my nephew. He will be coming at the end of December. I can't help thinking about whether he will like me or not. I mean we will be new to him in a new place and that can be scary. Maybe he will cry when he sees us. I can't wait to find out and yet feel scared that maybe I will be rejected by him. I guess at times I feel the same about my relationship with God. I know God loves me and yet I fear when I see Him I will be rejected because I didn't quite cut it on some obscure section of observence of bible dogma. Maybe my hair IS too long. Maybe I didn't worship truthfully enough. Maybe everyone is better than me. ALL RUBBISH. God loves me. I know it. Tate will too!

Friday, October 07, 2005

Long Weekends

We have a rare long weekend this weekend. Monday is Taiwan's National Day. As holidays are not moved if they fall on the weekend it is rare to actually have a long weekend. We aren't doing anything special as I need to lead worship on Sunday. Still it is nice to have the break.
I am in the middle of preparing for my next class. I am doing the reading I need to do before the class starts. I found that very useful last time as I don't need to take time while I have a lot of other things to do. I will be learning how to do research as part of my teaching. It is interesting and boring at the same time and scary. I need to start thinking of what research I will do as part of my thesis. As I read I feel more and more confident that I can do it. The way they present it, it becomes part of your natural teaching pattern. As a teacher you are constantly observing and adjusting your style to what you see. So that is what the research is all about.
Leanne is in the back playing the piano. She recently sold her piano and brought the one her father gave her as a girl here from her mom's house. She just loves the sound it produces. I am so happy that she enjoys playing again. I love hearing her playing back there.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Lil' Kenny

Leanne says he looks like Jolene but I see a small Kenny everytime I look at my nephew, Tate. I got my my grades back on my final paper and my overall class score. 15.5/16 on the paper and 95 in the class. I am very happy. I know it will get more intense but am so happy to have done well in the first one. It gives me such confidence. I need to start thinking of a research topic for my thesis. Pray I can find a good one.
Leanne went out to Tainan today to help at a pregnancy crisis center. She seems to have enjoyed helping there. I pray she will have the desire to continue.
I am feeling a little sick today. I think I may be teaching to much. The junior high can be a lot of work. The kids like to shout and have fun which means I have to shout over them at times. It takes its toll. "Oh this blister soul" I am listening to the wonderful sounds VOL produced 8 years ago. I love it.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Rest at last

I have finished all major work on my first course and am looking forward to a break before my next one starts up. I have been doing well in the class (so far 48.5/51) and am encouraged that maybe I am capable of this level of work. God is a good God. He gave me the strength I needed for the last few weeks. I looked forward to concentrating on my classes and doing a better job with them as I have more time to prepare now. Pray for my Junior high classes as I think I need to loosen up a bit and let the kids be kids. I will try some games this week to lighten up the atmosphere, Leanne is busy making cards for people. She is really enjoying that. The picture you see is an old one from Leanne's art exhibition last year in a restaurant.

Saturday, September 10, 2005


I got my first week feedback on my course. I got 12 points out of a possible 13. 4/5 on my paper and perfect on the participation aspect. So far so good.

Friday, September 09, 2005

In the thick of it

I am in the middle of my first class in the pursuit of my Master's. I am slogging through it and have begun to feel capable of actually handling the work required of me. I am a bit overwhelmed by looking up at the mountain of courses to go before I finish my degree. It all feels just abit impossible to me. I know that looking at the whole thing at once is not wise but sometimes I just can't help it. Someone prophesied over me recently that they got a picture of me dressed as a traditional Chinese scholar going up to the emperor. In the picture I was lookingup at hundreds of steps to get to the top where the emperor was. As he told me this and as I recall it now God is saying don't look to the top , just look at the next step and take it. You will get there eventually. I know but I can't help but look up at times. I gues we the long term vision to keep us wanting to go on but the determination comes from each step we take. The picture has nothing to do with it but is from the typhoon we had last week. Not as bad as Hurricane Katrina.

Thursday, September 01, 2005


I have the day off today because there is a typhoon going on outside. Not anything like the one in New Orleans. But it does give me a chance to get a jump on some of my reading for my online class. It has been going well. I am conversing with people over 12 hours away from me. When I get up they are in the middle of conversations and the great part is I can jump in and add my thoughts at any point without it feeling totally out of context.
Pray for Leanne as her shoulder is giving her some problems today.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

I did it!

I am an official online master's student. I started yesterday and was immediately freaked by the amount of work I need to do. But when you break into small chewables it's not so bad. I will need to manage my time well but God will get me through. Prayer for this is needed.
We have another typhoon hitting the island although it may not be as severe as the last one.
Shout out to Theresa. Miss you.

Friday, August 26, 2005


His name is Tate. He is my nephew. I think this picture of him is so adorable. I have not yet seen him face to face. I am so excited that he will be coming here in December. He will bring along his mommy and daddy (Kenny and Jo). It thrills me to see the pictures but I also know that seeing pictures and seeing in person is not the same thing. It reminds me of what Paul said to the Corinthians. "Now we see things imperfectly as in a poor mirror, but then we will see everthing with perfect clarity." (1 Corinthians 13:12a) I want to see clearly the purposes God has for me and yet I know that might give me a big head. I want to be able to say with certainty that God is going to do this with me. I am imperfect and thus am not able to see all. God gives me glimpses so I know the direction and the next step but where it will end is uncertain. Or is it. I know one thing. As I follow Him, He will lead to Himself. Ah. Sweet.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Playing Games

You see a picture of some people from our church and I playing Risk. It was taken on a recent church retreat. I am in the midst of a time when I feel like I am just playing games. I want to think I can be a serious student but am haunted by the thought that despite all hard work I put in to getting my Master's I am fooling noone into thinking I know anything. I am just playing games. Just fooling myself. I have already done my first weeks readings and am about to begin my first paper. I haven't even talked to the professor yet about details ( though I do have the first assignment). I guess I hope to impress with diligence and hard work. Not bad things but they can be a cover for original ideas and thoughts. God give me the confidence I need to understand and present my own ideas to others in the class effectively.
Leanne has had someone want to buy her hand made cards. She is thrilled.

Saturday, August 20, 2005


I was a little surprised to realize people read my blog. I appreciate knowing someone is out there remembering to check in on me. It reminds me to check in my friends. I so often feel self pity that no one cares about me. Then I am reninded that I so often forget to check in on people. Sorry to all that I have done this to you. Know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Just not always in my communications. God bless you all.

Friday, August 19, 2005


I want to stop worrying. I want to stop being a pain in the butt. I want this crazy ride to stop. I want to stop wondering what the next step is. I want to stop being the weak one in the group. I want to stop giving in. I want to stop being selfish. I want to stop giving so much. I want to stop being a contradiction. I want to stop writin..........

Thursday, August 18, 2005


The Wind. It moves where we cannot see. It touches places we can't get to. It is felt by all yet seen by none. We could easily say it does not exist if not for the cool sensation on my skin and effect it can have on my mood. Walking on a hot day I can be miserable until that breeze touches my sweaty skin and I exclaim "Praise the Lord". His Spirit is much the same. We don't see Him but we know He is there. As we go into pits of despair and frustration He comes along and cools our spirit. We can do little else but exclaim "Praise the Lord. Your Loving kindess is new every morning. The Spirit.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Eating Ice Cream

Well we didn't eat ice cream. It felt a little surreal to be having a picnic outside in March in the middle of a snowy field. We couldn't find a picnic table anywhere else. I found it cool (excuse the double entendre( it was intended by the way)). I enjoyed being out in God's creation. I saw it in Canada in the grandiosity of the Rockies. I see it in Taiwan in the people here. All those people wandering in the darkness, eyes not open to the truth only God can reveal. Or maybe they just have never been pointed in the right direction. Sometimes you can be in the most beautiful place in the world and not know it because you are looking the wrong way. I guess my job is to be a pointer. Once people see Jesus' sacrifice they can choose for themselves.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The Right Spirit

This is a picture of our band practicing for worship on Sunday. Not long after this picture was taken my guitar string broke. I was totally frazzled with only an hour to go until the service we only had a crappy little practice guitar which has terrible sound. Some people helped us and changed the strings on the guitar in time. However I was not focussed on God. All I could think was "NEW STRINGS BREAK" over and over again. When we prayed later one member of the band mentioned the tension she felt was evident and I realized I needed to give this all to God. If I don't there will be no worship in my heart. I did. and God kept the strings strong throughout the service. PTL. It is so important that when we worship God that our spirit is focussed on Him or there is no true worship happening. ONly when we focus all of ourselves on God can we enter into true worship.

Sunday, August 07, 2005


Cleansing, Refreshing, Quenching, Life-Giving, Cool, We need it, We search for it, We would do anything to get it when we are in need of it. Jesus, the living water. The cleansing of His death is water to my soul. Worship Him, Praise Him and no other.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Something New

I had never travelled a long way on a big ship before this trip to Penghu. I was unsure of what it would be like. Would we get sea sick? Would we feel the ocean moving? I was nervous but once we started the trip found that there was nothing to worry about. No real motion could be felt. It was a great and comfortable trip. It reflects how I often view changes in my life. I know I need to do something new but am scared of many aspects of it. Am I able? How is it done? Will I be exposed as a fraud? As I prepare to study online for my Master's these doubts come rushing in. Lord help me to trust in You.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

At the Feet

In Shi Tou there are these statues which depict Dr. Sun Yet San with many students around him. He is the founder of the Republic of China. He is revered as a great teacher and as a Father of both China and Taiwan. It is the one thing the two sides can agree upon. Teachers in Chinese culture are highly respected. As a teacher in Taiwan I have felt this respect given to me and I appreciate it. Yet putting your trust in a teacher (Confucianism) can only end in dissappointment as humans are all imperfect and fallable. Only one isn't. More than a Teacher. More than a master. The only perfect one. I fall at His Feet. Christ alone.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Here we are in Singapore about to go into the zoo there. We found it to be an extremely beautiful place. The animals seemed to be in very realistic surroundings. They seemed happy and content even though it was not anything like what they would experience if they were in their real home. It reminds me of myself. I am comfortable here and can't really imagine what heaven will be like and why it is going to be so much better than where we are now. I am told it will be but I don't understand yet. I will!

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Revolving Door

Here is a picture of Leanne and I with a couple of friends who had just been baptised when the picture was taken. The reason for the title of this post is that they have been an integral part of my band at church for the last two years and will be leaving in a couple of weeks. When they leave my band will have to make huge changes in style as he was the drummer and we don't have another to replace him. Our church suffers the revolving door phenomenom as most people in it are only in Taiwan for 1 or 2 years. But the encouragment comes in what God has shown a few of us as the purpose of this church. People come to Taiwan usually running from something. As a church we have seen numerous of second baptisms (I like to call them Mennonites after they get the second baptism) as a result of people who were baptized as babies but wanted to recommit. The purpose with the short time is to get them in and get them ready to go back into their home country and church as on fire believers ready to set their church aflame with the help of God. Pray for these guys (Brad and Laura) as Brad has no real christian community in South Africa as he became a Christian is Taiwan. It will be a struggle as he deals with old friends in their old ways. Pray Laura will be a good support for him.

Friday, July 29, 2005

The Mist

A mist hangs over the hills after a brief downpour. This was taken in a mountainous rainforest type area in central Taiwan called Shi Tou. We were on a church retreat on which we baptized 4 people. It was amazing to see what a great artist could do with just the color green. As we left His showroom and returned to Kaohsiung we all knew once again that he is a God of Wonders. Indescribable.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

My Girls

Here is one of my favorite pictures with a couple of my favorite girls...Excuse me...WOMEN. When I look at this picture I am reminded of change. I think about where I was many years ago and where God has taken me in that time. I think it is pretty amazing. I used hang out at malls looking to fill time. Now I am in Taiwan doing more than I ever thought possible all by the power of God. I miss Taco Bell though.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Next Step

I have been struggling lately with what my next step in life will be. It has caused me tension and anxiety. I need prayer. Lord help me to trust You in all that happens today and with all that will happen in the future.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

New Life

A tunnel in an old Japanese fort in Penghu. From the darkness into the light.

Monday, July 25, 2005

A Taste Of Heaven

Looking at this picture always makes me happy. It is during worship at church one Sunday. Our church is an international church and in this picture there are people from Africa, Finland, England, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the USA, and Taiwan. Seeing all those people together worshipping the Lord, united by nothing except the love of God makes me feel this is just a taste of Heaven.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

The Lights

Danshui at night.
A long day done, so were riding the subway back into Taipei city. The lights across the river caught my eye. I seem to be drawn to lights. Cities, christmas trees, sunsets, neon. Pulled toward the lights is a good thing I think. At times when I stray into the darkness, to know and see the light is still there is a great relief.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

First Time

The first time you do anything is always a little exciting. For example, right now. I have never had a computer before or had a blog before. I really don't know why I am doing it. It might be a way to keep in touch with people or it might be a place for me to ramble on incoherently without caring what other people think. Or I might just think it is cool. We'll see from what I post I guess. So far I am going with the rambling one.

Another World

Here is a picture of Leanne and I in Penghu. Leanne loved the store behind us but I was less impressed and decided to play with my camera outside. This was my first timer shot on the camera.
Penghu is an island near Taiwan (4 hour boat ride). We had a great weekend there with our carecell.
It was like stepping into a whole different world from Taiwan. Still all chinese but much cleaner and low key.
Beaches were beautiful.
Sunset picture in the previoous posting was from the boat ride back.


I see the sun and know life comes from it and all the science of how that happens. And yet it takes your breath way doesn't it.