I am looking for something very happily.

Happy Together

With Paul at his birthday BBQ.

With a group of explorers in a cave.

The lovely Mike Chu, hamming it up as always (he and his wife Kathy left us about a month ago sniff sniff)
It has been a long time. I don't know why other than that Facebook has sort of taken over the role of this blog. The pics you see here are some of the recent happenings in our life. These are us with some of the people at church. Some are gone and some are still here. I feel sad as I see these people coming and going. I don't want to say goodbye. I want to hold on to them and keep them with us. I guess they need to move with their lives but it does make our life a little less bright.
I never know what to say here. I guess a run down of what has been happening is good. I have just finished my 8th course in my Master's course. It went well but not as well as I hoped. I did not do well on one paper ( I still think it was the teacher's fault). My wonderful 4.0 GPA is now gone and I see it with the silver lining that at least I don't have to worry about that anymore. Pray I will put the effort needed in the last few courses. I have grown weary of studying and feel like the writer of Ecclesiates when he said too much study is tiring (not sure where it is but it's in there somewhere).
We just had a church retreat and I had to deal with some difficult issues which came to my attention. PTL the people took the criticism well and that God gave me the ability to present it with love.
Leanne is excited as the Taiwan bookstore Eslite is planning to put her on display in their stores. They will be presented as they are, one of a kind gift items and not mass produced journals. Pray this goes well.
We are planning a trip with our air miles to go to Bangkok to visit some friends there. right now we are on a waiting list for tickets so pray that we are able to get them and go to Bangkok. We haven't seen these people for about 7 years.
Our church will hold its Thanksgiving dinner this Sunday. Pray that we can have a good time and some of the divisions in the church can be healed at this time.
We are still looking for a pastor. The candidate we have will visit in January. Pray God will make it clear to him and us what should happen here.
I will sign off there.
Let me know if you read this. I like to see people are looking in. Just leave a short comment like Hi.