Wednesday, August 03, 2005

At the Feet

In Shi Tou there are these statues which depict Dr. Sun Yet San with many students around him. He is the founder of the Republic of China. He is revered as a great teacher and as a Father of both China and Taiwan. It is the one thing the two sides can agree upon. Teachers in Chinese culture are highly respected. As a teacher in Taiwan I have felt this respect given to me and I appreciate it. Yet putting your trust in a teacher (Confucianism) can only end in dissappointment as humans are all imperfect and fallable. Only one isn't. More than a Teacher. More than a master. The only perfect one. I fall at His Feet. Christ alone.


Tracy A. Wieler said...

i love the red (or what appears to be red)- is there a specific significance to the color as well?

caleefu said...

None that I know of. However red is a important color here as it is seen as lucky but I don't know if that is why it is used here. Caleefu