Sunday, November 20, 2005

Update on School

I have not updated this thing for a while. Sorry to all who read it.
I have been caught up in my class recently and any time I am on the computer I am usually in class. I am now finished the class work accept for a bit of discussion time. Through 3 weeks I have 57.4/59 points in the class. I am feeling more confident now with my ability to do this knid of work. I had been worried about this course as the first one was considered by the school to be easing me into the environment of online classes. I felt this one's marking would be alot harder. I guess it shows me that I may have some ability in research and study. PTL.
The picture is one of Leanne's handmade cards. This one sold I think 6 copies.


Kat said...'s about time you updated the blog. And it's awesome that you're doing so well in your class...saaaweet!


Tracy A. Wieler said...

Cool card Leanne. Looks like fun to make :)