This is a picture of our band practicing for worship on Sunday. Not long after this picture was taken my guitar string broke. I was totally frazzled with only an hour to go until the service we only had a crappy little practice guitar which has terrible sound. Some people helped us and changed the strings on the guitar in time. However I was not focussed on God. All I could think was "NEW STRINGS BREAK" over and over again. When we prayed later one member of the band mentioned the tension she felt was evident and I realized I needed to give this all to God. If I don't there will be no worship in my heart. I did. and God kept the strings strong throughout the service. PTL. It is so important that when we worship God that our spirit is focussed on Him or there is no true worship happening. ONly when we focus all of ourselves on God can we enter into true worship.
I so relate to your 'big ship' imagery on the 5th. Lots of that going on here right now too.
So you've decided on the online program . . . when do you start? Will you be doing that full-time?
Start on the 30th of August! I am excited!!!!!
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