I have finished all major work on my first course and am looking forward to a break before my next one starts up. I have been doing well in the class (so far 48.5/51) and am encouraged that maybe I am capable of this level of work. God is a good God. He gave me the strength I needed for the last few weeks. I looked forward to concentrating on my classes and doing a better job with them as I have more time to prepare now. Pray for my Junior high classes as I think I need to loosen up a bit and let the kids be kids. I will try some games this week to lighten up the atmosphere, Leanne is busy making cards for people. She is really enjoying that. The picture you see is an old one from Leanne's art exhibition last year in a restaurant.
yah! miss you guys
it's been ages since i've had internet access (a month, actually), and it's so good to see how you guys are doing :). sounds like classes are going really well for you -- your marks are great! man, it was good to see you guys out last year (was it really only last year???). talk to you soon!
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