Dad saw something in it
He knew beauty could be brought out
So he placed his hand on the sickle and started to cut
He cut away the overgrown grass
He cut down the dead trees to allow new ones to grow
He tore down eye sores of buildings and replaced them with functioning ones
He lovingly tended the grass
He dutifully tilled the earth
He encouraged growth
He sowed and cultivated
God saw something in me
He knew beauty could be brought out
So He put His hand on the sickle and started to cut
He cut away the overgrown ideas
He cut down the dead habits to allow godly ones to grow
He tore down eye sores of sin and replaces them with His word
He lovingly tended my virtues
He dutifully tilled my heart
He encouraged growth
He sowed and cultivated
Very well said. Great pictures too. We miss you guys.
hey there,
just wanted to let you know i've been checking in here :)
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